Blog Posts

Part 4 … I know … I know … Part 4 (5/24/2023) - Progress on part 4
Talking behind Jeff’s back (2/16/2023) - The Infinite Jeff spurs many thoughts and questions in people’s mind while they are reading it. It’s very common for people to say they want to talk to me after they read it. With that in mind, I’ve set up a time to meet with readers for March 4th at Leo’s Italian grill in Cedar Creek, Texas. If this goes
Today I became a #1 bestseller (8/29/2022) - I started The Infinite Jeff about twelve years ago. It’s a four-part series with three parts published. It has taken a massive amount of work and patience to write, edit, and publish the three parts over those twelve years. Marketing it is a totally different skill set but, for a self-published author, this is a skill set they must learn
Discover new books – Shepherd (6/21/2022) - The Infinite Jeff has been featured on a unique new online bookstore. One of the best ways to find new books is through recommendations from others. In The Infinite Jeff, the book’s namesake, Jeff, continually hands out books to people he meets because he knows that the right book at the right time in someones life is transformative. Shepherds is
The Infinite Jeff T-shirt T-shirt design by a reader! (6/2/2022) - You never know what doors the next book opens for you. Sheena, an avid reader, won a copy of The Infinite Jeff in a giveaway and it instantly became one of her favorite books. She loved it so much that she started making some graphics for it. Check out her T-shirt design and get yours today. This is a conversation
Goodreads eBook giveaway for Part 1 of The Infinite Jeff (3/2/2022) - Enter the Goodreads Giveaway for Part 1 of The Infinite Jeff.
Live Streaming of Clinically Un-Depressed at Bastrop Opera House (2/28/2022) - Clinically Un-Depressed is a rare show in that it is highly entertaining and leaves you thinking.
What would Jeff do? (12/26/2021) - The wisdom of The Infinite Jeff is now available on a T-shirt along with the important question, “What would Jeff do?”. The back has the quote from Jeff, “It’s all part of the experience.” There’s also an organic cotton baseball style hat with “What would Jeff do?” There is more to come. We are working with graphic artists to come
Nice article about my writing journey (11/9/2021) - I’ve verbally told the story countless times about how I became a writer, but I had never written it down. I want to thank Voyage Austin for reaching out to me and giving me the opportunity to talk about my writing and I want to thank them for helping other artists be heard. Self-promotion is a hard thing for creative
Audiobook The Infinite Jeff The Audiobook of Part 1 is out (10/7/2021) - Thank you David Treadwell for all your hard work in getting part 1 into the much requested audiobook format! It is already getting 5 star reviews across the board. Next … Part 2 is in the works.
The Infinite Jeff A Parable of Change for a Changing World (4/5/2020) - My editor added the subtitle A Parable of Change and I liked it at the time. Now, I  love it, it is the perfect message for our current world. We have entered into a time modern humanity has never experienced. We are in a time of great change. We have seen our economy shut down and people are trying to post (5/7/2019) - Lists of posts from
Best Spiritual Fiction What’s in a name? (4/8/2019) - The writing process is an interesting creature. When I started writing the rough draft of The Infinite Jeff, I was new to writing. I had an idea of what the story was but it was mostly stream of conscious and letting the story be what the story was. When it came to the point of naming characters, I stopped and
The Infinite Jeff Lots of work and time (11/25/2018) - This writing thing isn’t for the lazy. 🙂 I started The Infinite Jeff in 2010. Since then, it has gone through many, many edits. I work full time as a software engineer and have a full family life, so writing comes in the cracks of time and energy. Besides The Infinite Jeff, in the years I since I started writing,
The Infinite Jeff Update (4/8/2018) - I posted an accountability post in March on Facebook. Here’s the plan and what is happening: Part 4 has to be right. Did anyone else watch Lost? My wife and I loved it. We couldn’t wait until the next season came out. That was until it ended. We watched the final episode and felt like we wasted six seasons. TIJ
Frontera Fest – The Puzzler – Community (2/3/2018) - Last night I found out The Puzzler didn’t advance at Hyde Park’s Frontera Fest in Austin. It would be a straight up lie to say I’m not disappointed. But on the other hand, so much came out of doing it. One of my biggest take away is community. I have lived in Smithville, Texas for almost a quarter of a century. Longer
A Thought about Limits (11/9/2017) - Vertical growth is about understanding strengths and limits
The Puzzler (10/26/2017) - I had a workshop for The Puzzler with two longtime fellow actors. The Puzzler was a play that was in my head for a very long time, so I finally decided to get it out of my head and just write it. The scene in my head was very simple. It was just a table covered with puzzle pieces and stacks of
A lot happening! (7/11/2017) - This run of the play, Clinically Un-Depressed was outstanding and has people talking. It has a big future. Part One of  The Infinite Jeff: A Parable of Change is in print and for sale on this site and Amazon.  Reviews keep coming in and are all 4 and 5 stars. Part three is with some beta readers and I hope to have
It’s all part of the experience. (4/5/2017) - The website is launched and we are ready to grow the experience begun with The Infinite Jeff. Part of the experience are books, plays, musicals, songs and poems. Under production are songs for the musical, An Unsafe Place: A Love Story. We will start workshopping The Puzzler soon. We’re exited to have Part 3 of The Infinite Jeff in the hands of the